Saturday, February 2, 2013

Races: Frsotbite 5k(6k) Willow, Alaska

My awesome cousin, Noel and I decided to be running buddies! We've been running together recently, and today we did a race together. The Frostbite 5k in Willow, well that's what they called it, but we were informed right before we ran that it would be a 6k. Instead of about 3 miles it was more like 3.5 miles, which I guess isn't so bad. I mean we were running it regardless, so a half mile more wasn't going to hurt anything.

The race was.....interesting. I have avoided running through snow during training, because it's just plain hard. I don't care who you are, and my thoughts are usually well, the races that I run aren't going to be in snow like this so why do it now. Well, except for this race. I would say over 80% of the course was through snow, and wow!!! That's tough!

I would just like to address running outside in the Alaskan winters. Running in the cold really isn't that bad, if you mentally prepare yourself to accept a little discomfort before you go into it, and have the proper gear to keep you comfortable the cold is actually really helpful, being that it makes it very miserable to stop running, but running in the snow is another story. The best way I can describe it is like running through tires and sand, but worse. It is definitely one of the best leg workouts I have ever gotten to look on the bright side. 

After all is said and done, I felt I was probably unprepared for the race, but with that being said it was a lot of fun! Noel did great and kicked my butt!! I came in at 47 minutes, and she killed me by 2 minutes, but she was an awesome coach as well and ran out and coached me through the last section after she finished and crossed the finish line with me!

Our swag for participating, railroad sticks!!!

Cousin Noel

We did it!

The race was a part of the Willow Winter Carnival, and I just couldn't resist. Only in Alaska! We are classy!

I also ran into some other Boitz's!! Aunt Cathy, River and Ashton!

This was very cool! This lady makes all of these honeys/nectar/syrups out of all types of things, but a big majority were from Alaskan flowers! Who knew flowers could taste so good!? Thanks to cousin Noel, I have a jar of Dingle berry nectar!

Me and the good old Cannon

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